Comparing IGCSE Boards

Cambridge IGCSE Developed by the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Known for its rigorous assessment and high academic standards. Offers a broad range of subjects, allowing students to select their preferred subjects. Exams are conducted in May/June and October/November series each year. Assessments include written exams, practical assessments, and coursework, depending on the subject. Edexcel IGCSE Offered by Pearson Edexcel, a part of Pearson Education Ltd. It places emphasis on both theoretical knowledge and practical application. Provides a comprehensive range of subjects catering to diverse interests. The main exam series takes place in January and May/June each year. Assessment methods involve written papers, oral examinations, and practical assessments. OxfordAQA IGCSE Developed through a collaboration between Oxford University Press and AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance). It balances academic excellence with skill development. ...