Economics Lesson Notes

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: ECONOMICS CLASS: SS1 SCHEME WE TOPIC Meaning of Economics. Economics as a Science, Arts or Social subject. Basic Concept of Economics. Importance of Opportunity Cost to an Individual, Firms and the Government. Basic Economic Problems of the Society. Basic Tools for Economics Analysis. 7. Data Collection and Presentation. 8 Theory of Production. 9. Land as a Factor of Production. 10. Labour as a Factor of Production 11. Revision. 12 & 13. Examination. REFERENCE BOOKS Amplified and Simplified Economics for Senior Secondary School by Femi Longe Comprehensive Economics for Senior Secondary School by J.V. Anyaele Fundamentals of Economics for SSS By. R.A.I. Anyanwuocha WEEK ONE DEFINITION AND THE SCOPE OF ECONOMICS CONTENT Definition and meanin...